速報APP / 健康塑身 / Adaptive Resilience Research

Adaptive Resilience Research



檔案大小:55 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Adaptive Resilience Research(圖1)-速報App

This app provides a comprehensive assessment and training system that helps you to improve your physical and emotional health and wellbeing and to enhance your performance and productivity, even under pressure.

This app designed for Polar H7

It is based on cutting edge research into the physiology of stress and resilience.

The app will provide you with the following functionalities:

I. Wellness & Performance Assessment (WPA)

This weekly wellness and performance assessment is based

on measurement and computing of heart rate variability.

This will tell you about the relationship between strain (low frequencies - LF), capacity to recover (high frequency - HF) and potential for engagement and sustainable peak performance (Middle Frequency - MF). It will allow you to assess your base line before the start of the training and then to monitor the impact your training has on wellness, health risk, health potential and performance. All data can be stored on your device or in the cloud and can also be exported on a spreadsheet for your own use or to share with your coach, trainer or health professional.

Note: The Wellness & Performance Assessment is only available on the full version of the app.

Adaptive Resilience Research(圖2)-速報App

II. Resonant Frequency Assessment (RFA)

Everybody has an individual breathing rhythm (pace) at which training of emotional and physical health, wellbeing and peak performance (engagement) happens at an optimal level. This individual rhythm can change over time and with ongoing training.

This individual pace of breath, which lies between 4.5 and 6.5 breathing cycles per minute, will be assessed by measuring the impact that pacing your breath at these different rhythms has on your physiology. When your optimal rhythm has been identified then the audio- visual breath pacer during Resonant Frequency Training will automatically default to this identified rhythm for 20 training sessions.

After every 20 training sessions, you will be prompted to repeat the Resonant Frequency Assessment, to optimize the effect of the next 20 training sessions.

Note: It is possible to override this function and reassess your resonant frequency at any time by ticking the Resonant Frequency Assessment box in the menu.

III. Resonant Frequency Training (RFT)

The Resonant Frequency Training trains a physiological state that underlies sustainable peak performance, flow and engagement even under pressure.

In scientific studies, when performed for 2x 10 minutes every day over a period of six weeks, resonant frequency training has shown to significantly reduce negative stress, depression and anxiety and to improve performance.

Resonant Frequency Training optimizes most parameters of heart rate variability by creating a better balance between sympathetic (fight and flight or strain) and parasympathetic activity (freeze and flop or recovery).

Adaptive Resilience Research(圖3)-速報App

A unique feature of this RFT is, that it trains the MF (middle frequency band) of heart rate variability, which is also increased during experiencing positive feelings (such as enthusiasm, passion, gratitude and appreciation) as well as during engagement and sustainable peak performance.

Daily training of this range of heart rate variability by breathing slowly and diaphragmatically at your individual resonant frequency (between 4.5 and 6.5 breath per minute) has the following benefits:

Adaptive Resilience Research(圖4)-速報App
